Christmas is a story of incomparable beauty. Its message is told and retold again and again, handed down from generation to generation, yet it shines with an added luster and beauty at each telling. Its mystery, melody, and message never dim or diminish from our infant years to our twilight years. It’s a season that causes us to turn our eyes from around us to within us, from the material to the spiritual, from the temporal to the eternal, from the usual to the unusual, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from the holiday to the holy day. Let us focus on the true meaning of Christmas as we look back at…
The Mystery, Melody, and Message of Christmas
1. Christmas is a Mystery Revealed
In John’s record of the Christmas story, he wrote: “The Word became flesh and dwelled among us.” Who among us can comprehend that the almighty, eternal Son of God divested Himself of His heavenly glory for a time? On that first Christmas night, as angels anthemed His arrival, mysteries abounded. Majesty came to a manger. The Creator came as a creature. The Omnipotent came among the impotent.
Only heaven seemed to be aware of or interested in the revelation of this mystery. Suddenly, on a lonely hillside, an angelic choir was heard by humble shepherds. And the mystery of the ages was revealed. God was with us: “Today in the town of David, a Savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord.” Through this tiny baby, God had come. Not as expected: in might and majesty but in humanity and in humility. The heart of the mystery goes to the heart of God, which is filled with love for fallen man.
2. Christmas Is A Melody Released
Luke records: “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Here is a song of PROMISE. This was the long-awaited moment. Believers from Adam to Malachi had scanned and searched the horizon, awaiting His coming. Now this Child had come to fulfill the prophecies of the past and bring mankind hope for the future.
Here is a song of PRAISE. Who can comprehend its height or depth, as the heavens burst forth with this powerful paean of praise? The song of the angel choirs was only the beginning. Down through history to this very day musicians of every generation have attempted to capture the magnificence and melody of His coming with pen and staff.
His coming speaks of inexpressible JOY, as we sing: “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.”
His coming speaks of unashamed ADORATION, as we sing: “O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.”
His coming speaks of unrestrained EXULTATION, and “with the angels let us sing, Halleluiah to our King, Jesus Christ is here!”
What a proclamation so critical to our world in constant conflict! How timeless in a day of turmoil! How comforting amid our continuing chaos! He came to turn turbulence into tranquility and restlessness into restfulness. From the manger, there emanates a peace to pacify people’s passions, a song of comfort for every weary heart. When Christmas is over, for all who are receptive to His message of forgiveness and salvation, the melody of Christmas never dies. It lingers on in our hearts the whole year through.
3. Christmas Is A Message Relayed
The angels brought the long-awaited message: “Today in the town of David, a Savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord.” What a message to a weary world. Suddenly from the darkness…direction, from despair…deliverance, from helplessness…hope. Who but God could conceive that a Child born in such an obscure place as a stable would one day rule in the hearts of millions? Great men have enlightened the world with their knowledge and achievements, but none has ever held a candle to His star, for He is “the true Light that gives light to everyone.”
At Christmas God took the initiative, for “God so loved the world that HE GAVE…” And what a Gift He gave…His Son! It was His thoughtfulness and perfect understanding of His people that brought about this glorious Gift of gifts. Does He not still deserve our worship today? Let us then not miss the true meaning of this Christmas season. Let us always hold near and dear to us the Mystery, the Melody, and the Message of Christmas. Amen.
PRAYER: Why Jesus? Why did You come? Why would Majesty come to a Manger? Why would a mighty King come to a lowly cattle barn? Why did you leave paradise to come here to this unlovable, unlivable place? We know, Jesus, that it wasn’t the cozy, antiseptic manger scene that we display on our fireplaces and under our Christmas trees. We know that the stable was smelly, noisy, and cold. You came as the Omnipotent to the impotent. You arrived not in might and majesty, but in helplessness and humility. You came as a newborn baby, the child of poor peasants, not the son of a nobleman or even a churchman. We ask again, why? Why did You leave Your happy home in heaven to come to this sin-infested planet in the most humble way imaginable? Why did You come to a world that had no room for You – not in the inn, not in its homes, and not in its hearts? Why did You come to the crèche, knowing that the cross was just around the corner? You came to die and still You came. Why? We can only conclude that You came because You love us. Help us to love You in return. Help us to make room for You, Jesus. We can’t even fathom a love like Yours. It is a divine mystery. We can only marvel at it and say ‘Thank You, Jesus!’ We love You, Jesus! Amen.
Pastor Tim Unke, Crean Lutheran High School, Irvine, CA