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Daily Dose 5/22/2020


Last week I had the unwelcome experience of needing to visit a local Urgent Care center for what turned out to be a diagnosis of pneumonia. As I left the center, the nurse practitioner - who was both professional and empathetic - reminded me to "be kind to yourself this next week" and "remember to breathe - 10 deep breaths every hour."

By Wednesday afternoon, I was definitely aware that the antibiotics were doing their job, and while I still was following the recommendations of bed rest, I decided to get caught up on my four days of missed devotions.

As I worked through the readings, I asked God to help me to return my focus to Him and His Word and away from my situation of illness, isolation, and sadness. (I'll be honest with you all - with Mother's Day and self-isolation due to a compromised immune system, I was struggling with pain, intense loneliness and self-pity!)

I opened a weekly blog I follow, written by Barb Roose, a Christian Bible Study writer and leader, and began to read. Barb began by describing her own experience of several weeks ago, where she found herself "drowning in exhaustion and sadness." It turns out there is now a medical term for this - pandemic fatigue - which she described as "mental and physical tiredness from navigating constant change and uncertainty." She then shared that, after allowing herself some time to wallow (my word), she turned her attention to being in the Presence of God and speaking His truth into her feelings: I am Always Loved by God (Jeremiah 32:3; 1 John 4:9) I Believe that God is for me (Joshua 1:9) I have to Challenge myself to trust God and let go (Proverbs 3:5-6)

It was the next thing that I read that made me stop, smile and chuckle (it hurt too much to laugh), for I know there are no coincidences with God! Here are Barb's next words: "I allowed myself to concentrate on breathing. Deep breathing." BE and BREATHE! The same exact words that the clinician at Urgent Care spoke to me - BE and BREATHE! As my eyes filled with tears, I was overwhelmed by God's love for me! And, my dear partners in ministry, He loves each of you in exactly the same way. God knows where we are. He knows the fears and the frustrations we are facing. He certainly knows what we need to read and hear! And He is near! I pray you will take time each day to BE in the Presence of God and BREATHE in His truth! He is waiting!

-Lynne Rose, School Ministries Early Childhood Consultant


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